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How To Start Learning Calligraphy

Happy Friday! If you haven’t been here before welcome to The Glossy Life. Today I wanted to share something that I have been loving lately, calligraphy. If it weren’t for Youtube and Instagram I don’t know that I would have ever wanted to try calligraphy or hand lettering. I started really wanting to learn after seeing so many pretty quote pages and bullet journals. One Youtuber that made me want to start learning was AmandaRachLee her planning and bullet journal videos are mesmerizing.

The only way to start learning calligraphy is by simply doing it. It might not be instagrammable at first, but everyone has to start somewhere right?

I started with the book Calligraphy Made Easy by Ashley Gardner. I found it in Target (you can also find it here on Amazon) and have loved it. This book takes you through everything from selecting supplies to the anatomy of calligraphy. There are so many warm-up drills to utilize and it even includes some project pages to practice on. I would highly recommend this for any calligraphy beginner.

Next, I would recommend going on Youtube and searching for some videos. There are so many to choose from. I love it because you can watch everyone’s unique style and see different options on how to write a letter or word. As I said before I love watching AmandaRachLee because it’s so relaxing to me. She has planning, bullet journaling, and some hand lettering videos on her channel. You can find her channel here to take a look at some of her videos.

The last thing I would consider a calligraphy essential is the Tombow Fudenosuke brush pens. There are so many different brush pens to choose from. When I was doing my research I kept finding people recommend the Tombow Fudenosuke pens. I ordered a dual pack of a hard and soft tip brush pen. It has not let me down, I have loved using these pens. It takes some getting used to when first writing with these. Once you know how to write at the correct angle and pressure your writing looks beautiful. You can find them on Amazon here.

There you go, I hope this helped you begin your calligraphy journey. This is something that I find very relaxing and a good way to wind down. You should give it a try too.


*This post contains no affiliate links. Everything that is linked I genuinely like and wanted to share.*

3 thoughts on “How To Start Learning Calligraphy

  1. Awesome post! I tried my hand at calligraphy earlier this year, and I really enjoyed doing the letter drills and learning the other basics. It was a great experience 😊 I saw that book at Target! It’s so pretty 💕
    Lovely post!


  2. Great post! Template pages are so helpful for practicing! But for the life of me, I cannot get the lettering just right. I run a blog about trying all sorts of new hobbies and activities. My most recent post is about my attempt at calligraphy! Check it out!

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